Thursday, September 28, 2006

"...and not a stranger"

Yesterday was the memorial service for Jeff Glenn. As expected it was not a somber occasion but a celebration of both Jeff's life on earth and his new life where he experiences God's presence in a way that we can't fully imagine. It was a very special time. Steve Brummer led the congregation in two worship songs that seemed a bit out of place in a funeral service. However, they fit Jeff's service perfectly as they were songs of loudest praise to God.

There is no doubt that Jeff is in heaven. We can try to glimpse it in our minds but ultimately we have to rely upon Scripture to give us an adequate sense of what it will be like. The following is an excerpt from the Book of Common Prayer and it puts the truth about the joy of our passing into beautiful words.

"As for me, I know that my Redeemer lives
and that at the last he will stand upon the earth.
After my awaking, he will raise me up;
and in my body I shall see God.
I myself shall see, and my eyes behold him
who is my friend and not a stranger.

Not a stranger indeed.


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