Saturday, June 03, 2006

Learning Communities...Practicing Disciples

The following is from Brian McLaren's new book, The Secret Message of Jesus. This paragraph is his attempt at paraphrasing all of the great commission passages from the Gospels. (Mt. 28:19-120, Mk 16:15, Lk 24:49, Jn 20:21, Ac 1:8) The words in bold highlight what I long to see our church become.

You can't keep the secret of the kingdom to yourselves. I am now sending you, as the Father sent me, to communicate the good news of the kingdom of God. Those who receive your message, you should form into learning communities of practicing disciples so they learn to live according to my secret message, just as you are learning. You should not do this in your own power, but you must rely on the power of the Holy Spirit. And you shouldn't stop at the borders of your own culture, language, or religion, but you must cross every border and boundary to share with all people everywhere the secret you've learned from me--the way, the truth, the life you've experienced walking with me.


At 1:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like how it states that we shouldn't "stop" at our own culture, language or religion. I think another important point is we shouldn't "stop" because of our past or present circumstances either. Too many times I think that because I have already tired once, twice or maybe even three times that I should maybe stop there. Yet when Moses was told by the Lord to tell the Israelites the news about bringing them out from under the yoke of the Egyptians they didn't listen because of their discouragement and cruel bondage. Not to mention when God told Moses to tell Pharaoh to let the Israelites go Moses was discouraged because of the reactions from the Israelites-he even stated, "if the Israelites didn't listen to me why would Pharaoh?" Too many times I base my border or my boundary on my "circumstances" making my own bondage because I didn't rely on the Holy Spirit but rather on the circumstance. What a great challange to become communites of disciples...after all Pastor's can't don't it all themselves! I believe that it was also Moses' father in-law that told Moses "you can't be doing this you must appoint more men!" Yes we must be communties empowered by the Holy Spirit!

At 6:58 AM, Blogger The Wheatland Mission said...

You are absolutely right. It is way too easy to give up. After having a discouraging exprience in life or ministry one natural response is to stop trying. This is not the best response but a natural one.

Isaiah 6 is a great passage about this very thing. It is often used during ordination ceremonies as the charge to new clergy person. They are challenged to experience God's presence and then to go share the Word with people who are stubborn and refuse to hear it. They are to be faithful to their duty and not give up.

"Duty is ours; consequences are God's."
- Stonewall Jackson


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