Wednesday, April 19, 2006

UNIFY 06...this Friday

Hey gang, below is some info on Unify06. This is a special event that our friends, Nameless Faces, are putting together. The details are below. Let me encourage as many of you as possible to be there to support these guys.

Unify06 is a gathering to worship God -- specifically, to cluster
together the young, collegiate, and adult generations to seek the face
of God, that they may seek the lost of this nation and the globe.

There is a goal to be reached that Jesus prayed for in John 17. The
goal was that all of us would become zealous for God in one heart and
mind. This goal is attainable only by unity. The latter result will
convince this godless world that God sent Jesus Christ to this planet,
and that God is obsessed with you and I! God is awakening every eye to
see His fame, and loosing every tongue to confess His name. We, as
Nameless Faces, are witnesses of this and we are called recklessly to
finish the task of global evangelization in this generation.

That's why Nameless Faces exists, and why we are gathering this
generation in Wichita for Unify06, April 21, 2006, where hundreds of
people will merge into one building for one night for one purpose,
with one heart and one mind in worship of one God. First, to be
unified with God, then reconciled together to carry out the
unity-request of Jesus.

Along with worshiping together in silence, solitude, and song, there
will be teaching from Joe Skillen which will inspire challenge and
change in the hearts of the redeemed. We want all who attend to leave
a lifestyle of staleness, and lodge into a lifestyle of unity, through
the Giver of Life. We are inviting people from every tribe, people,
language and nation to be unified with us. Seek Justice. Encounter
God. Process truth. Proclaim Jesus.


At 2:02 PM, Blogger Todd Ramsey said...

Sounds great, but where is it?

At 8:46 AM, Blogger tykasper said...

unify 06 is at countryside christian church
1919 s. rock rd.
just on the other side of the foundry


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