Wednesday, November 23, 2005

A Word from the Hill's

November 22, 2005

Dear Friends,

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. The entire holiday season is special to me but I tend to enjoy Thanksgiving the most because three of my favorite things all come together in a perfect combination. The three F’s: family, football and food. I grew up cheering for the Cowboys and for the last several years I have watched them get whipped during their famous Thanksgiving day game. We have hope this year! Watch out Broncos!

In all seriousness, football may be fun but it is not the heart of what this season is about. Nor is it what makes Thanksgiving special to me. Time with my family and time of expressing thanks to God for all the ways he has provided for us is what makes this a special day. I especially like Thanksgiving day because the pressure to find the perfect gift is conspicuously absent. The unfortunate pressure that is built up around Christmas isn’t there. It is simply a time to reflect and enjoy family and friends. While we should give thanks every day there is something special about one day out of the year which, by its very name, reminds us what we are to do.

Calana, the kids, and I would like to take a moment and say thanks to all of you for being such good friends to us this past year. We have been friends with some of you for a long time and some of you we are just getting to know. Either way, we are grateful for you and recognize that God has brought you into our lives and us into yours. Friendship is a unique gift and one of God’s best.

We want to thank you for contributing to the ministry of The Wheatland Mission. Now, let us thank God for the past, present and future and let us thank him for this journey that we have embarked on, together.

In Christ’s love and with much gratitude,

Paul, Calana, Tatiana, Savannah, and Harrison


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