Saturday, November 19, 2005

Special Thanksgiving Prayer Gathering

There will be a special Thanksgiving Prayer Gathering this Tuesday at 7:00 PM at the Hill's home. We are located at 4019 Farmstead, Bel Aire. Bring the family and we will meet for a time of worship and prayer. We will finish by 8:00 for the sake of younger ones with early bedtimes.

This will be a great way to begin our holiday season and to express our gratitude to God for our new community! I'm looking forward to seeing how many of us we can squeeze into the basement. See you there!

By the way, if you need directions give us a call at 744-0875.

Does this look familiar?


At 6:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, Plymouth rock and I must say it's looks almost as it did the day I stepped on it first coming off of the ship! grin - being one of if not THE oldest member of our beloved and new Wheatland Mission I thought I'd say it before SR sooner said it first. How about a little Plymouth rock trivia information you may be able to use this use to be alot bigger but it's been broke into 3 pieces. First very early on in trying to preserve it better by moving it-I know, I know, what's up about trying to preserve a rock more than it already is? It was broke the second time under the same reasoning but fell off of the wagon. There may be a lesson here... even though our intentions may be good or thought to be good it doesn't always work out very well. Example: Anyone know or heard of the over zealous "christian" who knew or knows just what so and so needs at this time in their life and comences to frustrate or even offend the person who needs helped or fixed or at least pointed in the right direction? There are alot of hurting people out in our community and I submit that sometimes we, me included, as Christians may actully do more harm than good in our actions/words to those who for whatever reason may have had a bad experience with church folk. This is for everybody but you men especially - I'm about to give you a two for the price of one- just like when you wife has a problem or bad day most of the time she'd not wanting or needing us to fix it or give her the answer as we see it most of the time she would rather that we just come along side of her, support her, comfort her. For a time she just needs a safe or friendly harbor, a chance to coast, a sanctuary if you will. I think this is the same for those who don't know Jesus or who've been hurt, in or out of church. Let's strive at Wheatland Mission to show others the Jesus who loves us unconditionally and showed so many the opposite of what the world has shown them. Salt and light will also attract and I know that the love of Christ, offered, not thrust or forced upon others is better than any answer or advise to any problem because we know that there will always be another problem or bad day. What we all need it a way to deal with them and make our way through them and most of all to know that we don't have to do it alone! Embrace the Love of God, know what it truly is to be loved so that you will be able to be used of God to love others. I'll stop now, just wanted to share with you beloved. Have a good and thankful, Thanksgiving Holiday! brother brad

At 7:23 PM, Blogger The Wheatland Mission said...

Great post Brad. Thanks for that.

At 2:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brad, your post about having good intentions and we doing things our way and sometimes messing things up makes me think of when David decided it was time to bring the Ark of the Covenant back. Check it out in 1 Chronicles 13. David's intentions were good, but the big point he missed was checking with God. He made all of these plans but never consulted God. Furthermore, God already had rules about the very issue of how to handle the ark. Ah, once again the concept that if we are truly our Lord's servants, we follow Him, we don't lead or get ahead of Him or do things our own way. I think that fits into what you said, Brad. We sure can mess it up on our own, but if we take the Lord's lead, as He intends, then things go His way and that way is always the best way. Like Blackaby talks of. God's ways bring about the best results for the most people, for the longest time, for the biggest impact. May we follow Him in all things including how to love others.


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