Friday, October 07, 2005

Missional, Missional, Missional...

This is not the prettiest word. It gets caught in the back of your throat, especially if you say it three times fast. However, this is a word we are going to live with for a long time, perhaps for all of our time. It speaks to our awareness that we belong to an enterprise that is much larger than ourselves and that we have chosen, consciously chosen, to be a part of God's solution for this world rather than a part of the problem.

Our mission comes from the creation mandate, "Subdue the earth, be fruiful and multiply...". God has made us to have dominion and to create, nurture, and expand. He has also called us, along with Abraham, to bless. "...all the nations on the earth will be blessed because of you." In line with the purpose and goal of the nation of Israel in the Old Testament we exist for the sake of the world, to bless and not curse, and to display the beautiful reality of God's Kingdom which has come to its fullest expression in the person, life and work, of Jesus Christ.

Therefore, staying close to Jesus and his mission, we seek to be catalysts for the Kingdom of God. Corporately we live as God's chosen people, his royal priesthood BUT...this chosenness, this royalty, is not ours to simply keep and consume. Nor is it ours to protect. These are part and parcel of our calling as people called to bless, called to be fruitful, called to accompany Christ in his mission to the world. The world that Christ says he, "came not condemn but to save".

Finally, we are not directed by one simple mission statement. Rather we are missional to our core. The church is not on a mission, nor do we have a mission, but rather the Church IS mission. A Missional, missional,


At 8:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep saying it eventually hopefully I'll finnaly get it! Have you ever really heard something and it CLICKED and then you realized that you've heard it a million times before but never REALLY heard it? Well join the club because I think that when you've been a part of something, let's say church, for all or part of your life it's easy to use the lingo but how often do we take the time to explore what it really means and are we all on the same page? Just think how God can use us if we're all on the same page? Exciting huh? love BradM

At 10:29 AM, Blogger The Wheatland Mission said...

Your right. I think the more we talk about it, and the more ways we talk about it, the more the idea will sink in.

By the way, do you like the green?

At 7:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What green????? I like green but I'm part Irish, it's a given, isn't it? grin


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