Friday, March 10, 2006

In The Journey With Jesus...II

We should look at Lent as being not only a season but also as a journey. It is a journey that we travel via Scripture. It begins in the late part of Jesus' public ministry and culminates with his act of ultimate sacrifice and, thankfully, his resurrection. So during these weeks I want us to seriously reflect upon what Jesus was doing during this last portion of his earthly ministry. Not only that, but let's pay close attention to those things that were heavy on his mind during that time.

We began this journey last week when we examined the story of the Transfiguration. We recognized that from this story that Jesus has a context and we dare not remove him from his first century Jewishness. Not only was he Jewish but he was the fulfillment and continuation of the Old Covenant. We were reminded not to make the mistake of saying to God, "encore!" like Peter who wanted to build the shelters for Jesus, Moses and Elijah. And we recognized that the story of the Transfiguration, a story of a "spiritual high" if there ever was one, was closely followed by Jesus ministering to a man with a son who was demon possessed. Our "mountain-top" experiences are preparation for us to be involved in ministry to God's people.

We continue our series In The Journey With Jesus this week. Our passage of Scripture is Matthew 18:1-14. I encourage you read up on it for our study time tomorrow night. And, ask yourself this question: Who do I really believe is the greatest in the Kingdom of God.


At 7:16 AM, Blogger Melanie-Pearl said...

Hey new family-I just want to say I love you! So far, so amazing.

I worked with the kids last week and I missed seeing a bunch of you. I did have a wonderful time with only 4 sweet little boys...Brayden, Ethan, Davison and my Mason. If you have not worked with the kids I'd encourage you to experience what a blessing their little spirits are some time.

Many of us are focusing on Jesus' final days, isn't it wonderful to know others in the body -everywhere- are out there doing the same? It sure provides a wonderful sense of unity, community.

Just in case others of you are inclined to worship through the arts, this month's Final Friday art show at the Eaton Gallery is called, Peace of Art. The jury selected pieces that reflect the artists' beliefs during the Lenten season. Cool concept for an art show, eh?
The show will probably represent artists of all faith. I personally have a piece in the show, Metamorphosis. This piece specifically depicts Christ's ministry in His final days. (Sneak peak? Visit my blog and look for entries with "Metamorphosis" in the title. For a brief explanation of the piece see entry "Why I create.")

At 7:22 PM, Blogger The Wheatland Mission said...

Melanie, I am excited to go see the show and especially your work. Thanks for telling us all about it. Where is the Eaton gallery? In the Hotel?

How and when can we see the exhibit?

Also, your words at the top of your post mean a lot. This is a wonderful and exciting time.

At 10:15 AM, Blogger Melanie-Pearl said...

I'll post the press release on my blog asap. Until then:

March 31st 6ish-10

At the Eaton Gallery, Located in the offices of the Beyond Web Design group (NorthWest Corner entrance of Eaton Building).

Thanks for asking, hope to see some of you there!


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