Friday, March 03, 2006

In The Journey With Jesus

Isn't this weather wonderful? Ordinarily we would be enduring some blustery,
cloudy days this time of year. This weather is a gift.

Lent usually begins in winter. In many locations, including ours, the weather
is not so nice, the days are still short, and the weather reflects what one's
mood is to be during Lent, sober and serious. As the days toward Easter
progress the weather improves, the trees begin to bud and the grass turns
green. (At least in the Northern Hemisphere) The change of season and the
changes in nature suggest new life and growth which is at the heart of the
Easter message.

Our observance of Lent is meant to give us more time than usual to reflect
upon the life, ministry and suffering of Jesus. Our goal over the next few
weeks to is to experience him through a variety of ways including a fast,
reading Scripture, prayer and worship. Our ultimate goal is to become closer
to Christ so that we can also become more like him.

To prepare for worship this weekend let me encourage you to read the story
of the Transfiguration in Matthew 17:1-13. This will be our main text for the
weekend and will begin our series, "In The Journey With Jesus".

Our study these next weeks will take through many important passages from the Gospel of Matthew that describe Jesus' journey to the cross. My prayer is that all of us, adults and kids, will get to know Jesus more than ever in these coming weeks.


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